Family Adventure with a lot of bathfun.
In the most beautiful baths of Europe
The European Waterpark Association, EWA would like to wet your appetite for a vacation from everyday life with these Internet sites. Here we present a selection of the most beautiful, leisure and experience Waterparks of Germany and Europe.
Members of the EWA must show a high quality standard and equipment, which reflect a conceptional, technical, architectural and decorative level. Examined baths with the EWA quality standard you find at present in Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Georgia.
Stay safe and relaxed while visiting our waterparks and thermal baths!
Get more information by watching this video:
Mission & Statement of the European Waterpark Association
The European Waterpark Association (EWA) is the representative body of European indoor and outdoor waterparks and spas. It supports a market-based and demand-oriented leisure policy and strives for uniform standards and norms across Europe. At the same time, she is committed to a sustainable and resource-saving development of the spa and leisure industry.
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